The Story of Sleepyshibs

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving landscape of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), one collection has captured the attention and affection of enthusiasts worldwide: SleepyShibs. More than just a collection of digital artworks, SleepyShibs embodies a vibrant community spirit, resilience in the face of adversity, and an undeniable charm that transcends the digital realm.

Born in October 2023, SleepyShibs quickly emerged as a pioneer in the realm of hand-drawn custom NFT collections on Shibarium. With 3,333 meticulously crafted NFTs, each boasting its own unique personality and charm, SleepyShibs ushered in a new era of creativity and originality in the NFT space. Inspired by our frosty friends from across the pond, whether it's Pudgy Penguins or Sappy Seals, SleepyShibs is a name resonating with alliteration and originality, poised for viral success. Breaking records as Shibarium's fastest-selling NFT mint, we've garnered attention from the official Shiba Inu magazine, The Shib, and graced the screens of NYC Times Square alongside top NFT projects, witnessed by millions worldwide. The collection's endearing art style captured the hearts of collectors and newcomers alike, drawing them into a whimsical world where imagination knows no bounds.

A Whimsical World Unveiled

Yet, like any journey worth embarking upon, the path of SleepyShibs has not been without its challenges. When the original developer embarked on an indefinite road-trip, leaving the project's future uncertain, the community rallied together with unwavering determination. Forming a resilient council to oversee the project's transition, SleepyShibs navigated stormy seas with grace and perseverance. Central to the story of SleepyShibs is the unwavering support and camaraderie of its community members. In times of need, heroes emerged, exemplifying the spirit of solidarity that defines SleepyShibs.

One name shines bright amidst the challenges: Jim from ChewySwap. Despite a bustling schedule and numerous commitments, Jim emerged as a hero, dedicating his time and expertise to develop and redeploy a new contract for SleepyShibs. Jim's unwavering commitment to the SleepyShibs community became a beacon of hope. Recognizing the importance of stability and security, he stepped forward, harnessing his technical prowess to create a new contract that would ensure the project's continuity and integrity. Jim's efforts were nothing short of heroic, requiring countless hours of dedication and expertise. Yet, fueled by a deep sense of solidarity and a desire to see SleepyShibs thrive, he persevered, navigating complexities with grace and determination. His selfless act of service exemplifies the power of community and collaboration within the NFT space. In extending a helping hand to SleepyShibs, Jim not only safeguarded the project's future but also demonstrated the profound impact that individuals can have when they come together for a common cause.


Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Another hero, Mazin from Cryptiq, emerges as a pivotal figure, heralding a new era of security and trust within the community. Tasked with the monumental challenge of developing the first Multisig Wallet for SleepyShibs, Mazin's ingenuity and dedication paved the way for a groundbreaking solution to restore community trust and confidence. Recognizing the urgent need for enhanced security measures in the wake of past uncertainties, Mazin embarked on a mission to design a Multisig Wallet tailored specifically for SleepyShibs. With meticulous attention to detail and a steadfast commitment to excellence, Mazin crafted a robust system wherein before any transaction could be finalized, three out of the five designated signatories must affix their signatures, ensuring transparency and accountability at every step of the process. The significance of Mazin's achievement cannot be overstated. 

By implementing the Multisig Wallet, SleepyShibs became the vanguard of innovation within the Shibarium ecosystem, setting a new standard for project integrity and security. This revolutionary solution not only safeguards the project's assets but also serves as a beacon of reassurance for the community, instilling a renewed sense of trust and confidence in the project's future. Moreover, Mazin's unwavering dedication to excellence ensures that SleepyShibs remains at the forefront of technological advancement. The Multisig Wallet, available for scrutiny and utilization at in the DApps section, stands as a testament to Mazin's tireless pursuit of excellence and commitment to empowering the SleepyShibs community with the tools they need to thrive.


Mantra Protocol emerged as a key ally, providing crucial support in the deployment of new collections and the purging of old ones. As SleepyShibs navigated the complexities of transitioning to a new phase, Mantra Protocol stood by as a steadfast partner, offering technical expertise and guidance every step of the way. With the deployment of new collections comes a myriad of challenges, from ensuring seamless integration with existing systems to maintaining the integrity of the project's ecosystem. Mantra Protocol's involvement proved invaluable in this regard, offering specialized solutions tailored to SleepyShibs' unique needs. Through meticulous planning and execution, Mantra Protocol facilitated the smooth rollout of the new collections, enabling SleepyShibs to continue its journey of innovation and creativity within the NFT space.


A generous Shibacals stands tall, their generosity and unwavering support leaving an indelible mark on the community's spirit. Shibacals answered the call, extending a helping hand to resolve issues plaguing SleepyShibs hoodie orders. Despite not receiving payment from the original developer, Shibacals demonstrated remarkable integrity, issuing vouchers to all affected SleepyShibs holders, ensuring that every member of the community felt valued and supported. Their selfless acts of kindness exemplify the ethos of solidarity that defines the SleepyShibs community, reminding us all that in times of adversity, it's the collective strength and compassion of individuals like Shibacals that uplift us and propel us forward on our journey.

In a heartwarming display of solidarity and support, the SleepyShibs community and fellow projects within the Shibarium ecosystem rallied together in a remarkable show of generosity. Faced with financial constraints and operational requirements, SleepyShibs found itself at a crossroads, yet it was during this moment of need that the true strength of community spirit shone brightest.

With no funds allocated for its treasury and operational needs, SleepyShibs turned to its dedicated community for assistance. In an outpouring of goodwill, members of the SleepyShibs community stepped forward, offering their support in the form of donations, demonstrating their unwavering commitment to the project's success.

But the generosity didn't stop there. Recognizing SleepyShibs' importance within the Shibarium community, other projects and individuals within the ecosystem also extended a helping hand, offering their support and solidarity during this challenging time. Their contributions, whether large or small, served as a lifeline for SleepyShibs, enabling the project to continue its mission and pursue its vision of innovation and creativity within the NFT space.

The significance of these donations cannot be overstated. They not only provided the necessary financial support for SleepyShibs' treasury and operational requirements but also served as a powerful symbol of the interconnectedness and mutual support that defines the Shibarium community. In coming together to support SleepyShibs, community members reaffirmed their belief in the project's vision and their commitment to its success.

A Community United

Innovation and Vision

Looking to the future, SleepyShibs embraces a vision of inclusivity, innovation, and boundless creativity. Plans for a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) will empower holders to shape the project's direction and ensure transparency and fairness for all. Ventures into the immersive Shib MetaVerse and the promise of unique merchandise featuring beloved SleepyShibs characters offer glimpses of an exciting future filled with endless possibilities. 


SleepyShibs' enchanting collections are now available on three premier platforms: 

  • Mantra Protocol
  • NestX
  • ShibCoop. 

These partnerships offer collectors diverse opportunities to discover and engage with SleepyShibs' whimsical NFTs in vibrant communities dedicated to creativity and collaboration. Explore SleepyShibs' captivating artistry on these platforms and join the journey into a world of imagination and charm.

Join the SleepyShibs Journey

As SleepyShibs continues to captivate audiences and inspire imaginations, there has never been a better time to join the journey. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a newcomer to the world of NFTs, SleepyShibs welcomes you with open arms. Join the vibrant community on Telegram for engaging discussions, weekend games, and exclusive prizes.

This was originally written by our Community Member for an Article in the Shib Magazine


@Dhel*SHIB ( Thank you Brother )


The Original Article in the Shib Magazine you can find here:

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